Who we are?
SHQIPEZ is and was the first ever established clothing brand created back in 2016. Our vision is to connect all Albanians around the world and celebrate the independence day of Albania (1912) and Kosova (2008)
The Meaning of "Shqipez"
The meaning and origin of the word "Shqipez".
Shqipez is from the albanian word "shqipe", which refers to Albanian or The Albanian.
Albanians use this as a form of greeting, mostly in situations where they don't know the name of the person yet.
Why Wear Shqipez?
People nowadays are very conscious about what kind of clothing they are wearing.
To wear a specific type of clothing can easily describe/judge who you are as a person and what your ideology might be.
Simple said. Clothing that you wear can have upturns as well as downturns, choosing the right clothes can help you connect with people of the same attributes and join a community that makes you feel at home.
As we all know did Kosovo and its Albanian citizens go through a tough time during 1996 - 1999 (Kosovo war). Since the independence day and up until now, do Albanians have a strong belief of helping others regardless of what nationality they might have or what culture.
By wearing SHQIPEZ you automatically contribute the vision and mission of Freedom. Our broad collection with the UÇK (Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës) badge is a remembrance to our beloved ones who fought and died for sake of peace and freedom.
So whatever you do, invest in SHQIPEZ and SHQIPEZ will invest back in you.
Lets make this a way of lifestyle and show others what we are capable to achieve!

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